Pastor’s Perspective

Strengthening Our Pastoral Structure for a Shared Mission

After these first six months of serving as pastor, walking with our parish community, focusing on its life, ministries, and volunteers, we have taken important steps together. Through the dedication and shared commitment of those who journey with us, we have now established the essential pastoral structure for our ministries, along with the new members of the Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Council. These members represent different ministries, areas of parish life, ages, and backgrounds—reflecting the diversity of our community.

This structure aligns with the pastoral renewal process proposed by the Diocese of Calgary, guiding us toward communion, participation, and mission. The next step will be the development of our Pastoral Plan, which will shape the path ahead for our parish community. This marks a significant moment in strengthening our mission. In this phase, as we continue our journey together, we are called to collaborate so that our ministries, clergy, and staff may serve our community more effectively, guided by a common vision and shared mission.

This structure of communion is part of an ongoing journey of pastoral renewal and growth, sustained by the dedication of parishioners who contribute in various ways. Alongside those serving in formal roles, we recognize the invaluable efforts of volunteers who care for our liturgical environment with flowers, prepare liturgical linens, maintain our outdoor spaces and gardens, assist with recording sacramental data, and generously offer their time and talents in many other ways as part of our faithful team of volunteers.

I also want to express my sincere gratitude to the former members of the Parish Council and Finance Council for their dedication and service to our parish. I pray that they will continue to share their gifts in different ways within our community.

This weekend, we are also launching the Building Fund Capital Campaign, an opportunity to further strengthen our community through our generosity. Every contribution to the Building Fund will be matched dollar for dollar, doubling the impact of our support. This is a unique opportunity to come together in generosity, ensuring that our parish continues to grow and flourish for the future.

May we continue our journey as pilgrims of hope, trusting in God’s guidance, growing in faith, and living out the mission He has entrusted to us.

Fr. Fabio de Souza