Mary Everts
Coordinator of Children’s Sacraments
St. Peter’s Parish


“Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”  -Mark 10:14

Baptism Program for School Aged Children                                                                     

Baptism is an invitation to a lifelong journey of faith…

image003If your child is not yet baptized, we welcome you to begin the Sacramental journey with us at St. Peter’s Catholic Church.



Preparation Session followed by the Celebration of Baptism

Saturday, February 20

Contact Mary Everts directly to register and discuss your child’s Baptism at

Adult Baptism

If you are an adult seeking Sacraments of Initiation, including Baptism, First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation, please refer to our RCIA process.

Infant Baptism

Children under the age of seven are considered “infants” under Church law. Please refer to our Infant Baptism schedule.
