Many are called. Few are chosen. What does it really mean to make room at the table?
“To put it simply, we don’t have the space requirements to meet the needs of the spiritual demands we are facing at this time. By providing larger spaces for gathering, more options for meeting rooms, people will have the option to take in what the church has to offer,” says Fr. Jerome.
Bishop Henry describes St. Peter’s as bursting at the seams. “We’ve got to do something. This is the most obvious answer,” says Bishop of the expansion plans.
For a PLEDGE FORM to donate to the Rock of Our Faith campaign CLICK HERE
PHASE I – With your help is SET TO BEGIN THIS YEAR!
Phase I includes the renovation of the former rectory to create much needed space for meeting and administration. Meeting rooms for our Youth, Sacramental Preparation and it also comes with the addition of a designated music room to accommodate one of St. Peter’s greatest assets: a wealth of talented parishioners dedicated to enhancing our experience of worship during the Holy Mass.
As of July 1st 2015, we have approximately 6% of our parishioners financial support for the development of Phase 1 – we need your help!
Join us in transforming our space of worship into a place where hearts are touched by the Holy Spirit and our younger generation is inspired to share the news of the Kingdom with everyone they meet.
“When I landed upon the shores of St. Peter’s back in December of 2012, I made allusions to our church as being a ship at sea making its way towards its eternal homeland. A ship that is in need of a Captain’s Guidance so as to keep it on course while seeking to empower the gifts of all those on board so that we can all arrive safely to the place where the sun will never set.
Well, between that time and now – we’ve all been entrusted with building up the Kingdom right from where we stand. Here’s a Vision for a potential future!”
In Christ, Fr. Jerome
“NEWS: St. Peter’s Dialogue” – A Vision from Fr. Jerome from Fr. Jerome Lavigne on Vimeo.
Check out the results from parishioners on a survey we had back in June of 2014 by clicking on the image below!
Check out some of the most Frequently Asked Questions and the responses by clicking on the image below.