Pastor’s Perspective

Sensus Fidelium: Listening to the Holy Spirit Within Our Community

In Acts 15:28, we find a powerful affirmation: “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” This declaration underscores our journey of faith in community and invites us to open our hearts not only to one another but also to the Holy Spirit. This attentive listening becomes more than just a tactic; it is a vital expression of our communal identity that fosters authentic communion among us. Through this mutual engagement, we deepen our understanding of one another and discern the guidance of the Holy Spirit, empowering us to grow in faith and fulfill our mission together.

Pope Francis calls us to walk together, listening deeply and discerning God’s will among us. The Holy Spirit not only guides us but also awakens within each person the gifts necessary for our mission. He inspires individuals to embrace their unique roles and encourages us to respond to God’s call with enthusiasm and commitment. This journey is illuminated by the sensus fidelium—the ‘sense of the faithful’—which embodies the Spirit-given instinct of God’s people. This communal wisdom is not simply a collection of individual opinions; it emerges from our communion with Christ. By listening to one another, we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s work in our community, recognizing that every voice contributes to our shared understanding of where God is leading us.

The sensus fidelium reminds us that the Holy Spirit is alive and active in every baptized member of the Church. Each of us carries the grace of the Spirit, and together, we can discover the path forward for our parish. Listening to the faithful means listening to the Holy Spirit at work within our community. This divine guidance is not confined to a select few but is available to the entire Church. By being attentive to the wisdom, experiences, and prayers of our brothers and sisters, we embrace the Holy Spirit’s vision for our parish, allowing Him to ignite our mission and empower us to fulfill our calling as a missionary community.

I encourage each of you to share your insights, thoughts, and experiences. Listening to one another and discerning together with the Holy Spirit is essential to our communal growth. I want to hear from you—your stories and reflections are vital to our understanding of God’s will for our parish.. Let us create an environment where every voice is welcomed, enabling us to deepen our communal discernment and embrace the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we move forward in mission together.

Fr. Fabio de Souza