The Best Catholic Content – all in one place!
We are excited to announce that our parish is subscribing to a dynamic new online platform called FORMED.
• Every parishioner will have 24/7 access to the best Catholic content on any device, including your computer, smartphone and tablet with internet access.
• you’ll find video programs that explain the Catholic faith, explore the deepest meaning of marriage
• receive Bible studies on a variety of topics and includes inspiring audio talks

To sign up:

Go to
Click “Sign up” if you don’t have an account, yet. (Use “sign in” if you already have a FORMED account)
Enter ‘St Peter’s’ in the search bar then select ‘St Peter’s 541 Silvergrove…’ from the dropdown menu.
Follow the prompts to register with your name and e-mail address. You will be asked to create a password.

Enjoy FORMED! Let us know on Facebook or email what you have accessed and enjoyed on FORMED.