Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Coordinator: Judith McRae
Email: rcia@st-peters.ca
Phone: 403-286-5110
Change the world! Become a Catholic.
RCIA is for Catholics who did not complete their Sacraments of Initiation in childhood (Baptism, Confirmation, First Holy Communion), for non-Catholic Christians who want to enter into full communion with the Church, and for people who have never been baptized and who have never practiced any form of the Christian faith.
While it would not be appropriate to include fully initiated Catholics in the Rites of RCIA, it would be perfectly appropriate for anyone who is interested to attend the Catechism classes that precede, accompany, and follow each of the Rites.
St. Peter’s makes use of a scholastic model of RCIA, with periods of fixed term, and Rites with fixed dates, keyed to the liturgical year of the Church. 14 Candidates and Catechumens are preparing to be received into the Church this Easter.
Registrations are now being accepted for next September. An intake interview is required. Call today!
Coordinator: Judith McRae
Email: rcia@st-peters.ca
Phone: 403-286-5110
Did you know? RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is a process that involves many months of regular weekly Catechism classes; prayerful discernment; personal encounters with the Living Word of God at Mass and in the Scriptures; spiritual, ritual, and intellectual preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation; and a supportive community of sponsors, catechists, and friends.
RCIA is intended for anyone who is feeling a call from God to receive any of these Sacraments for the first time in the Catholic Church.