Beginning Sunday, April 19 and the following Tuesdays and Thursdays, we are launching a new Faith Study online called “The Activated Disciple”. This study will run 8 weeks ending just prior to Pentecost.
There are 2 books available together – the main study book as well as the accompanying workbook/journal which is essential to this 40 Day Challenge.
Please see below to register. A limited number of books are available. Once ordered, you can pick them up in our Parish Office or call to make other arrangements: 403-286-5110. Further instructions will be given to registrants with information on how to access the sessions.
Are you a fan or a follower?
As Catholics, we practice our faith, and we study what it means to truly be a disciple of Jesus Christ. But we often find that we’re not fully living out the bold, abundant, Christ-like life we’re called to live.
The Activated Disciple 40-Day Challenge is a clear, step-by-step transformation program that helps you put what you’ve been studying into action to become the activated disciple you’re called to be.
An activated disciple is someone who strives every moment of every day to imitate Jesus. It’s someone who desires such a close relationship with God that every area of their life is fully transformed. It’s someone who actively proclaims the Gospel in their daily life.
It’s Game Time.
The Activated Disciple 40-Day Challenge walks you through this transformation every step of the way with daily lectio divina, situational awareness in being observant for opportunities to evangelize, check-ins in prayer with the spiritual help of the saints and with an accountability partner, and time set aside to reflect on “the shape of your day” with a daily examen, as you cultivate the eight characteristics that mark the life of a disciple:
- Love
- Forgiveness
- Humility
- Patience
- Selflessness
- Kindness
- Attentiveness
- Contrition
We invite you to take the challenge. As you reorient your life toward Jesus, you’ll notice the profound transformation a close relationship with him brings each day.