The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program for children ages 6-9 years old will be offered at St. Peter’s parish! Children must be between 6 and 9 years old (no exceptions).
Please contact Paula at for more information and inquiries about registration for the Fall session.
Dear Parents and Children,
Welcome to the Atrium!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me … for to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven”. One such place where this can happen is in an atrium, a specially prepared spiritual environment, where children grow in their knowledge of Jesus and His love for them. It is in this space, a place of worship rather than a traditional classroom, where children ages 3 – 12 experience Christian formation known as Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS).
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an international movement present in 37 countries. The vision for this faith experience began in Rome in 1954 with Dr. Sofia Cavalletti, a Hebrew Scripture scholar and her co-worker, Gianna Gobbi, a Montessori educator.
It presumes that a deep bond exists between God and each child.
Drawing on the most essential elements of scripture and liturgy, the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd helps children to name, explore and deepen this relationship as the foundation for their lives and prepares them for involvement in the larger worshipping community.
Hands-on materials, which represent the essence of the Christian message, are used by the children to explore and deepen their experiences at their own pace. In addition to preparing the environment, the adult’s role is to present works that call forth the child’s response and then step back, allowing God and the child to work together.
If you would like to learn more about this faith formation for children, please contact Paula Sabatini at
Click HERE for Bishop William McGrattan’s endorsement of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
Two other videos which talk about the program:
And a podcast: