Arts & Environment

This committee ensures that the colours and artwork in the Church are seasonally appropriate. If you have an eye for beauty, transcendence and enjoy decorating, join us as we transform our liturgical space for celebrating the Holy Mass.

Coordinator: Michele Lynn


This important ministry controls the audio board and sets up the sound system for Mass. Some technical understanding of switching and operating Power Point on computers is helpful.
If you are gifted in this area, please contact Sean Blair, e-mail:

Greeters & Hospitality

We need warm hands and beautiful smiles to provide a welcoming atmosphere for those coming to Mass and to be a source of information for new Parishioners as is required. Should you have this amazing gift of welcome, please call the Office for more details.


Ushers will assist with seating people before Mass and cleaning the pews after. They invite people to carry the Gifts of Bread and Wine during the Preparation of the Gifts and also take up the collection.

If you are called to help people feel welcome and part of our community, please contact our coordinator, Ben

Altar Servers

Open to parishioners of all ages who have received their First Communion. You are welcome to serve and assist at the Table of Our Lord’s Sacrifice.

For further information and training, please contact our Coordinator, Perry Tilos, through the Office at 403-286-5110 or else at Leave your name and contact information, and he will get back to you.

Altar Server Schedules

June 2015

Addendum: There are no 7 pm Masses on Saturdays during June. Unfortunately the schedule was drawn up before this information became available. If your child was scheduled for a 7 pm Mass on a Saturday evening, please consult with Mr. Tilos at to make alternate arrangements for your child to serve at the Altar during June.

As always, please check in at the Vestry any time you come to Mass, to see whether your services are required, as there are times when the scheduled Altar Servers are absent for some reason.


Sacristans are responsible for preparing the Church for Mass and special liturgies. They ensure all items are available and in their proper place.

Coordinator: Jan Myhre

Church Linens

Our parish needs help with cleaning vestments and linens used in the Church.
Volunteers wash and press the linens that are used at Mass, and arrange for dry cleaning of items that can’t be washed.

Coordinator: Pam Carton

Lectors / Readers

All parishioners in communion with the Church aged 12 and older are invited to proclaim God’s Living Word.

Spring Schedule (April to June)

Summer Schedule (July to September)

Diocesan Guidelines

Orientation / Training will be provided by the Lector Coordinator and must be attended in order to proclaim the Word of God. For more information, please contact our Coordinator, Dan Matchett:

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

If you hear in your heart a calling to assist the Celebrant with distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass, then this just might be the ministry for you! It is a privilege and an honour to nourish the people of God with the body and blood of His Eternal Son.

May – June Schedule – Find out when you’re serving!

You may notice that there are some gaps in the schedule. If you can fill in, please let Stephen know.

Guidelines from the Diocese – Very important practical information about serving as an EMHC in the Diocese of Calgary; what is generally expected.

Procedural Updates 2014 – Very important news about recent changes in procedure here at St. Peter’s.

For more information and training, please contact our Coordinator, Stephen Cross, at