Dear Parishioners of St. Peter’s,

Thank you for taking the time to read through this circular. In it you will find brief descriptions of the ministries representative of the breadth and depth of our communal life. There are active ministries for those as young as three years old, (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd) and ministries ensuring that our most senior members are receive sacramental ministry through pastoral care home visits and senior’s masses and communion services. We have ministries that express the corporal acts of mercy like, St Vincent de Paul’s mandate to feed and clothe the hungry; and those expressing the spiritual acts of mercy, as grief support does to comfort the afflicted. We have ministries that enhance our experience of the Mass through our choirs, lectors, servers, sacristans, extra-ordinary ministers, arts and environment and church linen. Our youth and young adults’ ministries provide a place for catechesis, worship and social celebrations. Our Knights of Columbus and Catholic Women’s League provide such generous support to the running of St. Peter’s in so many ways that add vibrancy to our parish.

Our counters offer their services anonymously as each week they ensure the offerings that are generously given enable us to live out our diverse parish life. The staff who work with Father Arjay and me to serve the parish are all dedicated and excellent in fulfilling their respective responsibilities. Along with Deacons Stephen and Tom, we love working together to serve Jesus and His Church.
We have had a very good year financially, where we recorded an operating surplus of $156,190. Added to donations of $1,352.580, we had special collections totalling $119.654 of which $71,708 went to Together in Action. Donations to SVDP totaled $129.000.

Thank you for your generosity in time, talent and treasure as we joyfully share in the work of Jesus.

At the meeting on January 29th we will read a passage from Philippians chapter 1 where, in part, St Paul writes: “And I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. It is right for me to feel thus about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace” (Philippians 1:6-7). No words better capture my affection for you. May 2020 be a year where Jesus by the working of the Holy Spirit will continue his work of grace as we advance his kingdom in Calgary’s Northwest.

In His grace and love,
Father Jonathan

Please print a copy of THE AGENDA to bring to the meeting.

What follows represents the work of God at St. Peter’s throughout the year 2019. These are good news stories

Statement of Receipts & Disbursements

St.Peters Budget Financials 2020