Pastor’s Perspective

Called to Serve: Praying for More Willing Hearts and Hands in God’s Harvest


Jesus, in His wisdom, not only gave us the prayer of the Our Father but also a powerful command: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Luke 10:2). These words remind us that our mission as a parish is one we share together, and that our prayers are at the heart of this mission.

Let us remember Saint Thérèse of the Lisieux, who, without ever leaving her convent, became the patroness of the missions. Through her life of prayer, she responded to Christ’s request to pray for the Church’s missionary activity. The Little Flower teaches us that, even if we cannot go out into the fields ourselves, our prayers have the power to bring more workers to the harvest.

As we strive to live out this calling, let us turn to God and ask Him to send more willing hearts and hands to serve in our parish ministries. Our parish offers many opportunities for service, and through prayer, we can meet these needs. Let us pray for the Lord to strengthen those already serving, renewing their enthusiasm and dedication. And let us also ask God to inspire others among us to answer His call and become active builders of our dynamic parish community.


Fr. Fabio de Souza